Iranian women through times...
Iranian women under nationalistic Iranian governments (pre/post Islamic invasion) and anti-Iranian occupational Islamic regimes:
Iranian women under nationalistic Iranian governments (pre/post Islamic invasion) and anti-Iranian occupational Islamic regimes:
The bloody Iranian revolution, which plunged Iran and the Iranians into a Medieval age of shocking violence and brutality against women and men. Here are some old newspaper clippings where Ayatollah Khomeini lied and deceived the nation into accepting the Islamic form of government.
Note in the first newspaper clipping above that Khomeini only said that the Hejab in Iran will not be mandatory after millions of secular women took to the streets in 1980 (see video) and demonstrated against the new Islamic decree of Khomeini.
Khomeini in an attempt to calm the unrest, lied to women and announced a few days later that "Hejab will not be compulsory or Mandatory".
Then in the second newspaper clipping, Khomeini declares that he is not interested in "governing" and becoming a "political Leader".
In the last newspaper clipping, Khomeini says, "In Islam there is no dictatorship". Keep in mind that Khomeini and his Islamic party had not yet usurped the power. For all intents and purposes, Khomeini was lying to Iranians to exploit religious feeling and build more consensus among different groups in order to fool them into accepting Islamic form of government, which had nothing to do with what Iranians perceived to be as Islam for they have lived in a secular society.
The consequences of these bold lies were that even the secular/liberal political parties decided to make an alliance with Khomeini in the spirit of cooperation to move the country forward. But as we all know, the rest is history. The next two years immediately after ousting the Shah, the secular Iranians increasingly found themselves in a terrible pit the mullahs were digging for all the democratic movement of the masses. All those who wanted to keep, and extend, the democratic gains did not foresee the gathering dark clouds of intolerant Islam and the thugs of the Islamic Republic Party. By the middle of 1981 the left/liberal/progressives had all but been eliminated from the political scene. Tens of thousands of secular/left/liberal/progressive were executed and hundreds of thousands spent years behind bars.
Please learn the lessons of the Iranian revolution and don't fall for the lies of the Islamist parties. These lessons have implications in today's unfolding events in Turkey, Malyasia, Indonesia, Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, and others who think theocracy is their savior. Do not let the Islamists drown your country into the vile swamp of intolerance, macabre, hate and self-destruction.
Don't give up the fight against the Islamists.