Potkin: Majid Kavousifar, seen in these pictures before being hanged, left Iran for Abu Dhabi two days after the assassination of one of the most corrupt and most repressive judges in the Islamic Republic. (the corrupt judge was considered to be a butcher among the student population and had also tried and sentenced Ganji...)
Judge Moghaddas who was assassinated by Kavousifar and his nephew, was responsible for handing out long sentences to many political activists. Moghaddas sometimes even boasted that he sentenced the accused without even reading their files!
Kavoussifar had introduced himself as the killer of Moghaddas to the American Embassy in Abu Dhabi, where he had applied for asylum. The embassy guards handed him over to the Interpol, which informed Islamic Republic's authorities of the incident.I thought it was just the Homeland Security at the US airports who were the thickest officials in the world!
Here, Majid Kavousifar is seen smiling and saying his last goodbye. Why are so many victims smiling in these latest round of public executions? Perhaps if there is any after life, it will be better than living under the mullahs.
The film footage of the execution."--End
Many in the West might argue that if he was in the U.S., he would probably be executed too. However, there is a huge difference between the sharia laws in a theocracy and the democratic laws in a democracy. According to our laws many of these corrupt mullahs (Khatami, Rafsanjani, Khamenie, Ahmadinjad, Mesbah-Yazdi, etc.) and judges should have been executed or put in jail. In fact, unless you have your hands bloodied in some ways, you won't be able to move up the ladder in the Islamic Republic's hierarchical klepotacracy.
The Islamic Republic in no fashion represents, enforces, or reinforces the true will of the people, who are the true source of all sovereignty, and the only rightful and legitimating base for any state or government. The Islamic Republic is an oligarchal theocracy run by a bunch of criminals and brutal thugs who will kill anyone who will stand on their way; hence the *public* executions. A public display of hatred has only one purpose, to signal to the citizens of the state that their government is willing to kill anyone to stay in power. End this practice and you take away that power.
The Islamic Republic in no fashion represents, enforces, or reinforces the true will of the people, who are the true source of all sovereignty, and the only rightful and legitimating base for any state or government. The Islamic Republic is an oligarchal theocracy run by a bunch of criminals and brutal thugs who will kill anyone who will stand on their way; hence the *public* executions. A public display of hatred has only one purpose, to signal to the citizens of the state that their government is willing to kill anyone to stay in power. End this practice and you take away that power.